In english

Sweden's largest support organisation for young women by women.
Sweden's largest support organisation for young women by women.
Tjejzonen is Sweden’s largest support organisation for girls aged 10 to 25. We are a politically and religiously independent non-profit organization founded in 1998. Our work comes from a focus on the child and youth perspective and we reject racism, violence, bullying, oppression, and abuse. We are open to all that identify as girls and women – regardless of culture, ethnicity, sexuality, or religion.

We believe that the opportunity to talk about how one feels and feel that one is listened to without judgement is an effective way to improve mental health. The organization is based on transparency and is a reflection of the girls’ ideas and needs. The organization is in continuous communication with other organizations, authorities, and experts to share the experiences of the girls with meet and to improve our methods. The organization is drug free and works for equality.

Purpose and goals

  • To work preventatively to strengthen the mental health of girls ages 10 to 25
  • To offer humane meetings on the girls’s terms
  • To offer meaningful volunteer opportunities building a long-term and rewarding commitment between the volunteer and the organization
  • To inform, educate, and interact with actors who meet girls ages 10 to 25 in their work
  • To raise awareness on issues related to the situation and rights of girls ages 10 to 25


A society in which the human right to be listened to is respected.
We have an unwavering belief in the strength of girls, and their ability to help themselves. We recognize how important being seen and validated is to mental health. We also know that people who have been met with respect and who have been listened to will, in turn, pay it forward.



1. Financing – we generate our own income
Tjejzonen secures our survival and independence by generating our own income.

2. Collaborations – we create allegiances
Tjejzonen collaborates with and influences people with power, including corporations, donors, and civil society. We are a partner to those who provide professional support. We raise the voices of girls.

3. Positioning – we are a recognized contributor in civil society
Tjejzonen is a professional organization that demonstrates the benefits of our work through goal- and result-management as well as impact measurement.


Volunteers at Tjejzonen

Tjejzonen has a well-developed program for the volunteers. About 250 volunteers are recruited, trained, coordinated, and supervised in accordance with a clearly developed structure and clearly defined tasks.

Tjejzonens Big Sister program, live and virtual, has been researched by Örebro University. The scientific evaluation (2011-2015) has shown that Tjejzonen’s Big Sister program is a successful concept, well adapted for the target group in regards to strengthening mental health and prevention. Read more:


Tjejzonen’s Expertise

Tjejzonen is the largest support organization for girls in Sweden and a pioneer in providing chat-based support. Since 2007, Tjejzonen has provided support via the internet on a one-on-one basis. Since that time, we have experimented, explored, and developed methods for interacting with girls ages 10-25 on their terms with the overall goal to strengthen the their health and autonomy, taking advantage of modern technology to provide opportunities for new types of relationships with volunteers. The internet is now integrated in daily life; that means that girls are exposed to the same good and bad online as offline. That means that help needs to be available online as well. We have chosen to move the support we have been giving offline to online in order to widen the possibility for girls ages 10 to 25 to find help. It is and has been especially important for the girls who find it difficult to communicate offline.

Tjejzonen has established good connections and collaborations with schools, youth clinics, field youth workers, and social workers within the county of Stockholm. Tjejzonen has also developed a network with other organisations like Fryshuset, United Sisters, BRIS, Stadsmissionen, HOPP, and other organisations that run hotlines for girls.


About the organisation

Tjejzonen was founded in 1998. The office is led and administered by the Secretary General with the assistance of the financial manager, program manager, and communications manager. The staff provide coordination, training and supervision of volunteers, support for the target group, as well as administration, communication and education.

Tjejzonen have an elected board who is ultimately responsible for the organization. Final decisions are made at the annual member’s meeting. They elect the chairman and the board members. The board consists of individuals who work pro bono in the organisation.